Monday, January 19, 2009

It's amazing how this....
can turn into this...

With the temperatures getting down to the single digits and a few snow flurry sightings, we've been huddled up in the house with hot chocolate and blankets. I've always wanted to learn how to quilt the correct way. (I made a small one with my first kindergarten class, but really just kinda made it up!) So when I found out that Kim from You Can Make This was hosting a quilt-a-long on their blog I decided to jump right in. Most people in the group are using pieces from their stash. I had bought a few fat quarters a while back with other projects in mind, but decided I really wanted my quilt to include this fabric...besides I can always replace it! I love the way this is starting to shape up! I can't wait to see what it looks likewhen it is finished! By the way, if there is anyone out there that wants to join in the fun it's not too'll just have to play a little catch-up. Click on the button below to see the directions.

P.S.--I just realized my quilt matches my blog background...guess you know what colors I gravitate to!