Saturday, December 6, 2008

Diving in head first...

After months of friends telling me I need to start selling my crafty little creations, I'm finally taking the plunge...head first. Call me chicken, or maybe it's the fear of rejection, but I've held off since the beginning of the summer. I've always used the excuse of crafting just for peace of mind and creative expression, and the never-ending need for cute, original gifts. Nevertheless, here I am. As a new mom, I had an overwhelming and burning desire to stay home with my son, so I took a leave from my "paycheck" job as a teacher and followed my heart....the funny thing about following your heart are those pesky little things called bills. Now don't get me wrong, we are fine financially and my wonderfully supportive hubby has said the words "whatever it takes to keep you home", but I would still like to contribute to my household budget as much as possible. And besides, I'm already up there in my little craft heaven...wouldn't it be nice to make a little on the side to fund my crafting efforts? So here I am. I really don't have any idea of where the road will go, but I'm finally ready to get the word out and see where we end up. So I'm inviting you to join me on my journey...who knows, you might just find something you want to order.

1 comment:

Blake, Alisha, and Jackson said...

Loved it! We cracked up! We sat and watched the entire performance, and told everyone we know about it! My favorite part was straight from Christmas Vacation.